Beautiful Bella's Birthday

My beautiful niece Annabella turned 11 years old today. She is a smart and sensitive girl with a smile that would melt your heart. I gave her a little gift today and had wrapped it in this gift bag that I decided to blip today because it was so colorful. The bicycle on the front of it made me think of her because during the summer she would ride her bicycle over to my house to swim with her mom.
We had an impromptu girl's lunch celebration for her at my sister Tami's house. It rained and rained and rained today but it didn't stop Annabella from taking a swim. It was her day, her choice to do what she wanted and she wanted to swim! I took a photo of her swimming in the rain but it didn't really show the rain well enough. Her mom, my sister Robyn, baked her favorite scones today and we all got to benefit from that birthday wish. Maple, oatmeal scones that were so delicious and they had that sweet and salty thing going on that I just love. There were many birthdays this much celebrating. I'll have to eat rabbit food for the month of June!

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