
I'm afraid of bees. There, I said it. Bees, wasps and the like. I had art class and had my back to a window that was open at the top for some air. A wasp flew in. I jumped up from my seat and asked the teacher and owner of what we affectionately call the 'Garudio' (Garage/Art Studio) if he could please get rid of the wasp.
He tried very patiently to coax the wasp up and out through the open window top. Well, try as he might he could not coax this wasp outside. I said, "Just kill it." I was worried we were getting the wasp angry by our constant coaxing. Finally my teacher took the think foam cushion off the chair I was sitting on and put it over the wasp and pressed down. I heard a *POP* sound and when he moved the cushion away from the window pane I realized the glass has broken and the wasp was now outside and flying away.

I felt so bad that the window had broken in the process and said, "I broke the Garudio." All because I was afraid of a wasp. It might not have ever even bothered with me but I could not concentrate on drawing with that thing hovering about. My teacher assured me the window was very old and fragile and that it didn't take much pressure at all for it to break. He didn't seem upset about it but I felt bad. This happened last week.

This week I noticed the window pane was replaced by a piece of colored glass. I have a nice sunny window behind where I sit that now shines a nice shade of amber through it that inspires me to be even more creative.

I took this photo outside the school today when I picked up my grandson. The entire shrub was full of these beautiful flowers.

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