Sleaford Station

Today I went on the train to Skegness to visit my Dad. No wandering around town or walking on the beach today, just there, hospital and back again. 

I left the house at 11 AM and arrived home at just after 8 PM. My visit lasted the regulation two allotted hours. I spent an hour here, at Sleaford station (half an hours' wait each way.) If I didn't have my Senior Railcard discount the return trip would have cost me over £26! I'll be going twice a week but if I was paying full whack I would really only be able to afford to go once!

The journey there was fine. Coming home was a different story. The train was absolutely rammed with loud people. Many were drunk, including some I suspect were not of legal drinking age! (Didn't stop us in my day, and I doubt it stops the more determined kids nowadays!) There were also several overwrought children making their presence felt, as at times were their equally overwrought parents!

Hopefully next time won't be so bad as it won't be Bank Holiday, though it will still be half term of course...

Anyway my Dad is doing OK though they still have not started working with him. He prefers Skegness to Lincoln as it's quieter, the food is better and the beds are comfier! While I was there I called my Aunt and Uncle and he had a chat with them He's a little jealous as his brother, who is a year older than him has just bought another old motorbike to do up - an Ariel this time.

I was very glad to get home tonight!

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