Everyday Life

By Julez

Tree -Time 2024 part 5

I decided I was going into town today. It was quite sunny so I put a wash-load into the machine before going out

When I got back home it was pretty cloudy and my phone weather app said it was about to start raining and would continue to rain for the next three hours! So the washing was draped upstairs. It still has not rained two hours later but it looks like it could at any moment...

I had a full stamp card for a free drink in Waterstones café so I had a chai latte and a bit of cake in there. Time was running out to take my tree photo so despite it being pretty dull by then I decided to go for it. 

I'm wondering what it is. Google image search suggests Sorbus or Swedish Whitebeam, neither of which I have heard of before. People who know about these things - feel free to add some welcome input! There is a close-up of the leaves as an extra.

Tomorrow I will have to make a list of what Brian needs to take to the recycling centre - formerly know as the tip - and do a few other important things I've been procrastinating about too.

Time to dish up some grub for The Minst now - he is shouting at me!

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