Pottering and Planting!
Quite an active day today! There was a minifestival arranged by Nellie in the village today. Food, workshops, music. My sister did a fabric workshop so was out for 3 hours! Oscar got taken to the field by the professional dog walker - so I was home alone! I did some tidying up in the kitchen and then planted some seeds. The cornflowers and sunflowers in planters my sister gave me for my Birthday, and a belated sowing of mini sweet peppers, courgettes and pumpkins! I will grow them in the back yard as visiting the allotment is a far off thing! I then did a some more of my Jigsaw before settling back for a rest!
I'm getting around on my walking frame and my office chair - and a bit of bum shuffling in the back yard! Just over 2 weeks and a hospital visit will hopefully say the leg is healed and weight bearing can commence! I'm only on 1 paracetamol 2-3 times a day and can generally move my leg without pain or discomfort, but my knee is very stiff and after activity/sitting it becomes swollen and stiff. One of my exercises is to slide my heel up so my knee bends 10 times. I can manage 5 before it becomes painful, and it varies how far I can bend it - but overall improvement!
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