Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


I don't know what was wrong with me today, I just seemed to over expose everything. True, it was a bright day with the sun out. I did have some success with the bugs that I found in deep shade were I had to use flash.

This mantis, I found on the underside of a leaf, with severe sun backlighting, I thought it would make an interesting perspective. I had to use flash, to prevent a silhouette, but I should have stopped down at least six clicks.

I then broke off the leaf and brought the mantis into the open. Again, at least four clicks under would have given the image a chance. I guess I am just no good at daylight photography. The blipped shot was as she wandered back into the bushes, in deep shade, with the flash back on.

I also did some portraits of Fitri - all burnt out - give me a cloudy day anytime!

I know that the camera over exposes daylight shots, but I simply forgot today. PAY ATTENTION BOY!!!!


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