Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Blip is like the arse end of this butterfly - it needs turning around.

But, can they do it? With the current attitude of the Blip management, I have serious doubts.

My very good friend and introduction to Blip, Euphemist, felt that he had no option other than to leave, after some rather noxious replies from the management to his comments in the forums - don't bother looking, the comments and replies have been deleted under an apparent new policy of censorship.

I feel deflated, disillusioned, disheartened and could hardly be bothered to press the shutter on my morning safari, returning home with only five images on the card.

I don't feel ready to give up on Blip and will be trying to take DaveRI's advice, ignore the politics and just do my own thing. I just need to find something to calm the bubbling rage in the pit of my stomach.


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