The second half of life..

By twigs

Shades of Autumn

Awesome news this morning - S & A (nephew and partner) became parents today with the birth of wee Albie Raymond.  Early days and only one pic so far but I know there'll be plenty more.  I was tearful when I found out his name - he will carry dad's name with him throughout his life which is lovely, but sad too that dad isn't here to share their joy.  

A trip to see my friendly chiropractor J this morning.  It was a damp, misty morning but the clouds were lifting quite quickly and by mid morning - sunshine!  Yay :)  As I left J these monstrous leaves were piling up along the road so I gathered a few - just because I could.  The largest of them is 15" wide and 12" from stem to top.......almost 400mm x 300mm!  They're mahoosive, but it was the colour gradations I really liked.  I think they're plane tree leaves but I'm happy to be corrected.

Another trip to the optometrist this afternoon to sort out what's going on with my right eye.  Another visit on Friday hopefully.  Whilst there's no answer yet he has ruled out a few things that were potentially quite alarming so I'm very pleased - and relived - about that.

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