Iris surprise

We have been on the go all day again.

We've managed to: wash and dry enough clothes to be able to pack for our summer holiday; assembled all manner of equipment for summer holiday fun, e.g. wet suits and bathing costumes; made up the spare room for Mummy hazelh, who is coming to stay soon after our return; mown the lawn; put the bike-rack on the car; left messages with various people who are keeping an eye on the house, garden and yarden while we are away; planted the last of our summer bulbs; written birthday cards for all the June and July birthdays; and run 10k in the midday heat.

There was also time for me to add an entry to update the LornaLPodcast blipfoto journal. This was complete with a very silly error that was (thankfully) spotted quickly by LauraMuir and soon corrected.

We were very surprised to find three irises in the garden this morning. I had little hope of those planted last year making a reappearance. I am so happy that they are back.

Exercise today: 10k run (19,024 steps including run).

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