Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Meet marvin!

For a while now I've been involved with a dog rescue group just collecting bedding and bits of things but recently after putting them selves on Facebook, the interest has taken off so much, with digs coming in all the time that they have asked me to do admin and home checks etc.

the idea of the group is that when a dog is abandoned, abused, lost or the pound is full etc instead of it going to the pound and living on 'borrowed time' the dogs go to a foster home.

Then they are either reunited with the owners or found foster home then hopefully forever homes.

All homes are checked for suitability , fences, roads, children, other dogs in house, cats, experience etc to 'fit' the right type of dog to the right foster home.

It has opened my eyes to just how many dogs get abandoned and abused and fostering means they can Be loved and stay house trained and socialised making them easier to rehome than if they were in a pound .

Last week I home checked a house with a lovely lady and I knew we had , just come in, a dog that was perfect for her. She met Marvin and fell in love. He gets on great with her golden retriever Otis ( Gaye and redding ? Was it fate?)

Today I picked him up to take him for his injections as the lady can't drive and Marvin looked so happy!
He was in such a state with mites fleas and mattered fur ( which has been shaved off now) when he first came in . To see him now looking so happy brought tears to my eyes and gave me a good feeling inside knowing I did my bit to help.

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