
By weemusings

A woman's work is never done!

Well so much for me chilling out this morning!

I woke up with a headache which wasn't a good start and couldn't get back to sleep after my husband left for work. I didn't really have time for a lie in anyhow as we have friends coming over this afternoon and I needed to catch up on the housework before they arrived.

In addtition to my usual loads of washing, putting away dry clothes, changing the bed sheets, hoovering, dusting, cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and mopping my husband also asked if I could clean the windows!!!!!

This is usually one of his jobs as our windows are really tall and not exactly easy to reach from the inside or out. So I dragged out the ladder for the back windows and a chair for the front ones and tried my best. Typically though it tried to rain on and off whilst I did it and once I had done the windows the door looked a bit manky too!

I'm taking a well deserved break now to grab a bite to eat and wait for the floor to dry. Hopefully my efforts will be appreciated when my husband arrives home around 2.30 with our friends in tow.

Thankfully we are going out for tea tonight at International Starters so I'm looking forward to not worrying about cooking as well!

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