Tall Ship

Today's the day ......................... to be stuck in the mud

This is the top rigging (probably not the right nautical term) of the SV La Malouine - Scotland's only tall sailing ship.  She is a twin-masted French Brigatine tall ship, registered in the Port of Dumfries and owned by local sea dog, Roy Kerr.

She is berthed at the moment in the small harbour at Palnackie, built with wooden piles and planks around 1850 to utilise the tidal River Urr.  Up until 1965 it was the fairly successful port of Dalbeattie and Castle Douglas.  The basin has silted up and been dredged at various dates but nowadays it cannot easily offer a deep mooring to visiting vessels.

All the boats in the harbour did seem to be rather stuck in the mud but there were several people busily working at one thing or another on La Malouine.  So, hopefully, it's just a temporary state of affairs and she'll be setting sail again before too long ........................  

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