Look who came to dinner!

A quiet day. I was feeling tired and wobbly this morning so took things easy. I’ve had several naps

Odd things were done. The contents of the main bookcase weren’t put back in the correct places, so there was half a box of extras. I took them all out and started again, it worked …all in.

The electrician came to fit the cable for the internet and the site manager called in to see if there were any other issues. As he was leaving R & S turned up to drop off Olive. It was an interesting meeting as they have been communicating with him on our behalf in the period from completion of contract, until we moved it. They had spoken but not met face to face.

Olive is staying for the evening, possibly overnight if R & S are late home.

The strange orange thing is to stop Olive rushing her food. She gets small portions at a time.

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