Out for a walk

Olive had a sleepover as R & S were late home. When they came to collect her this morning they also collected Amber and they all had a trip to a lake somewhere south of here. A great time was had by all. 

This afternoon we went into town to post the Sky equipment as we have cancelled our subscription, it’s not available here. Then to the GP practice to register. R got the forms for us yesterday and we had completed them, but wasn’t aware that we needed to show photo ID. Normally we have our driving licenses with us, but my new one hasn’t been returned yet following change of address, B’s has. Everything has been done on line on my phone and fortunately R took a picture of it before it was cut up and sent off. That was my saving grace. 

After two week in the house, I’m mastering the new cooker. We had French fish pie for dinner and it tasted considerably better this week than last. Gone are the days when you just switch it on, set a temperature and timer and wait!!! Too many options now. 

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