Willow seeds

The sun returned today.
I did a bit of housework, quite a bit of gardening and managed to bash my shin and remove a piece of skin (I was moving a paving stone and didn't move back quick enough when I lowered it).
I was going to go for a short run but decided it was probably best not to until tomorrow so Mr Rat and I went for a walk by the ponds. There was one section of path with piles of fluff from the willow tree. A buzzard and crow were having a dispute but a pic just missed a bit of aggression.
Had to do loads of printing this evening and it took a while as printer and laptop aren't keen on talking to each other. I'd nearly done one copy of each document, thinking I could copy if needed, when the printer went on strike - and when I got it going again it needed more ink! I finally got what I needed.

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