
It's quite a climb up to Las Brenas from where that signpost is and I'd rather not have had to tackle it but thanks to an unexpected road closure...tackle it I did. Really rather slowly.

Yes, picked up the bike this morning and it's mine 'til next Saturday. Got out for some pretty spectacular introductory miles - scenery wise at least.

And the afternoon was spent in and out the pool and generally lazing in the sun at the villa, with the occasional watermelon Fanta, a beer or two and a large chunk of Emma Cline's Manson-inspired  'The Girls' novel which I'm enjoying very much so far.

After being roundly thrashed at backgammon (again!) it was off down the road for some very tasty indeed Indian food. Now the night swim has been done, the patio area has been tidied for the morning and....I can hear my book a-calling me.

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