Place: Largo, FL 69/87
Main activity: Fri - Aldi, around the house
Notes: Up 4a and took a couple of the "empty stomach" vitamins/minerals and they kept feeling stuck in my throat so got up a couple times to drink more water. Slept till nearly 8a then ... slow getting up and still cool outside. Didn't get motivated to run to Aldi until ~930a, see these purple buses every now and then (no clue why it appears like a wide-angle lens except that my camera needed an update??). Not too long in Aldi, only got produce. Came back and mixed up my Keto Coconut Wraps and put in fridge. Joe called 1030a just as I was considering some time at the pool - talked to him for 35 min and then did a short visit to the pool (mix of clouds & very hot sun). Rolled out and cooked the tortillas but didn't seem good at all ... didn't hold together, seemed tasteless. Shower and then made lunch - salad w/ healthy pizza (made part with a sprouted flour tortilla and used one of the new falling apart coconut ones which had a better taste than I expected, just had to be eaten w/ a fork). Mid afternoon showers and cooling came in around 3p - lovely! Got an email from Al - he's already not happy w/ the rehab place (surprise, surprise). 

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