
G and I went for a woodland run to start the day. I have no idea why I haven't run through the woods before, as it made such a nice change from the usual route, and the woods are full of beautiful bluebells. We then met Ellie and head to the local park for the first of our boxing lessons with Sarah and Claire. Sarah's just trained as a boxing instructor and has kindly offered to help us with the event for our Olympic challenge. It was so much fun, but just underlined how crap my upper-body strength is! She's set us homework and a plan to do before our next lesson, so my arms better get used to some hard work! We hung out in the park for ages in the sunshine afterwards which was lovely and then head in to town for a crack at the bingo. I hadn't played in years, and ended up quids in by winning £17.50 in total! My mind kept wondering to winning big, but it wasn't meant to be on this occasion!

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