What A Day

I got an unexpected phone call from Greg this morning with news that could potentially change our lives. He went for a job interview last Thursday, and we heard the disappointing news on Friday that he didn't get the job. It was crushing; this was the last big potential, and we both felt sucker-punched when he didn't get it. We'd spent the weekend trying to avoid thinking about it whilst planning to have a huge re-think of career plans this week. However, the person they offered the job to turned it down over the weekend, so they called and offered it to Greg as he was the second place candidate!!!!!!! He starts as the full-time Media Teacher at the local Sixth Form in September! It's absolutely incredible news, and a bit surreal. He finished his PGCE three years ago, and has had such a hard time since trying to find a job; moving through periods of unemployment, cover teaching, and shit data entry. It's been a very tough struggle for both of us. This new opportunity opens up a whole career for him, and a level of financial security that we could only dream of. He's starting as an NQT, so it's not mega bucks just yet, but still a big change for us. It also will make such a difference to him personally; I'm obviously biased, but he's a fantastic teacher, and has always received such brilliant feedback from both staff and students wherever he's worked.

The news coincided with our monthly date night, so we skipped off to a lindyhop lesson after work, which was absolutely brilliant fun, and then went for a celebratory meal at a local restaurant. It was a bit strange as we were the only customers, but it couldn't dampen our mood! After three courses and a bottle of wine, I came home feeling as round as a barrel, but very happy. I think this is our first bit of genuinely good news in years.

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