All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Mummys' magazine!

After Ethan's swimming lesson today we went to Morrisons for the weekly shop. He spotted Closer magazine by the checkout and asked me to buy a copy so he could "see the girls with no clothes on"!! Give me strength - he's only 3 for goodness sake! Still, as it's a magazine I often buy anyway I bought it, only for him to refuse to let me read it until he'd looked through it first!

He seemed to have a good time at nursery today although said he had a sore tummy when he came out. Just as I had to leave to go for my monthly eyebrow wax this evening, he had a bit of an accident which seemed to prove the sore tummy theory. By the time I got back, he was tucked up in bed fast asleep, remarkably early for him (in bed just after 7pm), poor wee thing.

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