All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Quenching their thirst

I was back at the swimming pool again today, although today it was Eden I took for her swimming lesson, cos Foreveryoung had a dodgy tummy.

Foreveryoung and Eden stayed with us all day. In the afternoon we walked up to Bellsquarry Woods with the kids. Ethan was initially really enthusiastic but just as we got there, started clutching his tummy and complaining it was sore. He has had a bit of a dodgy tummy too for the past few days. He got really upset and I ended up having to carry him all the way through the woods and back home, with him snuggled up to me, moaning the whole way. We bumped into Grandpa on the way back who had come for a wander to see if he could find us (having arrived at my house and found us not there). Ethan snuggled up to him too and wasn't as excited as usual to see him so I knew he really didn't feel well. However, back home, he had cuddles with Granny and then perked up big time!

After dinner he went to the playpark with Granny while I went for a run and hubbie started moving the decking to the side of the conservatory - the latest project!!

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