A Sunday in Stromness

There might not have been wall to wall sunshine in Orkney today, but the cloud lifted a little in the afternoon for a hint of sunshine to brighten the spirits and there was a calm sea with no wind.
The Selkies were swimming at 9am and 9:30 am and I went along to the slip with the second wave of swimmers. I think there might have been about 20 ladies bobbing about in the sea- competition for the Porty Blue Tits! It was lovely to be back swimming with these friendly people.

No Sunday Söderberg coffee with the Merry Widows was a big miss but I did have a coffee at Julia’s Shed where you sit outside- a risky business in Orkney but today it was mild so no shivers.

I walked round the back of Stromness after lunch and stopped a horse rider who turned out NOT to be the blipper HappyValley which was a little embarrassing, but she took it in good humour.

There was a reading in the garden session later which was an added bonus as it was really warm in the absence of the wind.
Finally a glass of wine with the friend who stayed with me last month and I’m officially exhausted……..and I’ve to do most of it again tomorrow!

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