Meadows’ Festival

Rarely does the Meadow’s Festival get such a brilliant sunshiny day for it’s activities. The sun shone almost from the off and it was hot sitting on the patio watching humanity pass by on the other side of the railings. This year the stalls and bandstand are not directly in front of the Dower House so the nonstop music does not sound as loud as usual.

Four visitors have graced the patio today- a baby rabbit, the crow who like adolescents of every species was not in a hurry to do anything much and actually fell asleep with his head under his wing , not stirring even as my next visitor , an erstwhile cycling friend arrived for a long awaited blether.

With the sun still shining after lunch my nurse neighbour came to let me know she was recovered from Covid and we caught up on a fortnight’s news. Many of us have survived for over 2 years without getting Covid only to be struck down now. Will it be my turn next?

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