
Up and awake at 6 again for no particular reason so was out on the bike by half seven, for a favourite route of a decent distance - I tried to do this route last June when I was here but was too f--ked post-Covid  to complete it. This time round though I was going good until I punctured both tires after hitting perhaps the only pothole on the roads of Lanzarote. Some German cyclists stopped to assist and gave me one of their inner tubes, an American women stopped soon after to check I was alright and lent me her highly-superior-to-mine pump as well as giving me another spare tube in case I had the misfortune to puncture again. I made it home fine, a little cautiously on the 40mph descents perhaps.

A little trip to the bike place in the morning is in order I feel to get everything up to the correct pressure, but no damage done....and the rest of the day passed quite happily in a blaze of sunshine, reading, food, drink, swimming and all the usual holiday kind of stuff. Plus backgammon, quite a lot of backgammon 

On The Speaker Tonight 

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