
Joan came to the house last night when I was putting the wildlings to bed. She was telling Mr R  a bird had gotten stuck in one of her feeders. I went round when the wildlings were settled.  The poor wee bird had gotten through the lid of the feeder.  I had to snap it off. It had gotten its head and one wing through the front bars and one of its legs had had skin ripped. It took quite a while to get it free. I sat and cuddled the bird afterwards so it would be calm. Thankfully it flew away after. Joan was relieved it was ok.  

All the wildlings have had a good day. Blair who is 103 years young was sitting outside so we stopped amd spike to him for quite a while. He's a amazing old man. He's got some wounds on his legs that aren't healing well amd he had a fall last night. Bit he said his pain was better this morning.  He has a lovely neighbour who goes in and keeps him company but he has no family here. He told me about his son who's in his 70's who hasn't came and seen him for over 5 years. We will all go round and see him again.  

It's a Early blip as we are leaving for football even earlier than usual. I will try and catch up with you all. X 

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