Another glorious day of sunshine.
On my way to work this morning a young lad was on his bike cycling to school but his tyre was quite flat. So I told him to jump off and I'd pump it up for him. He was running late to school because of it and he was worrying. So I told him I worked in the special needs unit next door and he should tell his teacher that, and that if they wanted to verify then just call through. He was a sweet lad. I'd like to think people would stop and help my wildlings if they ever needed it.
I've been busy since I got home. I have now packed up all the 3 boys clothes for the holiday. I pack them all in individual ( shopping) bags and then put it all in a giant bag. That way I know who's is who's when on holiday. And I have a list of items packed. I should have mines and Harps done by Thursday at the latest.
All the wildlings have had a good day. I've been stopping Harp from napping since she came home from nursery so I hope she isn't coming down with anything. We have a few students and staff off with bugs. Fingers crossed none of mines get anything.
I'm making the boys spaghetti bolognese for dinner. Harp will have plain spaghetti and Carson onion rings and noodles. At least on holiday they can sample what they want for food. We chose the premium dining so they can have choices.
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