Chestnuts in the autumn?

After yesterday's intensive gardening we decided today we would take it easy and stay away from digging and planting. There were still plenty of jobs to do!
The day started with a drive to town and taking Rose to the station where she picked up a bus taking her to Arlanda (Stockholm) airport. Stage 1 in her month-long trip to the States.
Once home there were the gutters over the front door to fix, brambles along the drive to cut away, sticks to hold up the raspberry canes.... As all you people with gardens know, the tasks are endless.
We also ate breakfast outside and I sat around for a while just idly reading the paper and listening to the forest sounds. Once I'd been sitting quietly for a while the birds seemed to stop noticing me and I got a very good view of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker checking out a rotten birch and other trees. It was unusually quiet in the village - no-one was sawing or cutting lawn or strimming and so the bird-song was really noticeable. It's Sweden's national day and a holiday, so maybe everyone was taking the chance to be with the family.
Today's picture is our chestnut blossom.  The tree arrived in a flower-pot and we planted it in a suitable corner. It has steadily developed over the last 9 years. 2 years ago it produced a couple of flowers and 2 misshapen chestnuts. Last year a few more flowers and three chestnuts. And this year the photographed flower / blossom / candle is one of at least 30!

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