White Cliffs.

I took a well earned day off today. Day off from GaGa duties and a day off from owning a pottery studio. Mr W is also on leave this week. So we decided to head down to the beach at Saltdean for a walk.

On our way we listened to alot about D Day on the radio as its 79 years to the day. It then dawned on me that today was the day where my life changed forever 13 years ago. The day a knife got hurled across the kitchen at me. The day I had to leave my children, my animals, my home, my life as I knew it and the day my life with Mr W began. My very own D Day but it never dawned on me before.

I seemed appropriate to take a picture of the white cliffs. Not quite Dover though!

It was beautifully warm today. It finally feels like Summer.

Once we dropped Bella home, we popped to the pub for a cocktail. The pub we got engaged in. Just to finish off an already perfect day and Mr W really appreciated our quality time.

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