Hot Water Plants

The Achimenes and Kohleria are just beginning to flower.  This one called 'Apple Cider' is one of the first, a new variety that I acquired this year.  There are many more to come.   Plants from tropical regions, they enjoy warmth and have the virtue of flowering over a long period from early summer to early autumn.  Most of mine live in the porches but I will move some into the greenhouse for the summer.

A work day at Aber Cafe.  The passengers evenly spread between the trains for a change made for a relatively easy day, just long.  Only a short gap between work and singing.  We welcomed a young musical coach to the session, someone newly moved here and working alongside the town's established music teacher.  Ideas and energy, ability and a sunny nature, she will help make a difference to our singing .... if we don't drive her mad first! :-)

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