Wide water and kangaroo tails

I only took 2 photos today. The first qualifies for the wide challenge (water) and the second is something I haven’t seen in a grocery store before. Kangaroo tails. There are quite a few indigenous people here and they probably have them as part of their traditional diet. 

This is the closest town to Maralinga where the British were testing atomic bombs in the 1950s and 1960s. Many people got radiation sickness including the Aboriginal people who were living in the vicinity. The land was cleaned up ($108m) but is still contaminated. The Aboriginal people were compensated $13.5m. Of course there was a cover up and information is still coming to light. 

Thanks for hosting RockArea. Water fitted my blip, this body of water is the Great Australian Bight. It was very windy so we did some shopping and stayed put. I can see thunderclouds to the south east so it looks like the worst of the weather has missed us. 

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