New light

Going to have a second chance to use this light in anger at the weekend it would seem - photographing my nieces and nephew on a beach. Gonna hit late afternoon where the sun isn't quite so high, and use this light for fill in.

I've tried flash - and it's the work of the devil in my opinion. Just cannot get to grips with using flash. Bounce it off walls, ceilings, hit the target directly (and get shadows), random exposure settings half the time, and just when you think you might be making progress the batteries die. The other reason I hate flash is that you just don't know what to expect from it.

But interestingly I've seen a couple of pro photographers using camcorder lights instead - which is far more usable as you get to pose how you want the extra light yourself (with a handy lighting person called "my wife") before you press the trigger on the camera.

So the beach will make an interesting photo shoot on Saturday.

Question now is whether I take it to Europe with me - the batteries weigh a ton.

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