Place: Largo, FL 74/87
Main activity: Wed - back, massage
Notes: Woke with back pain still there but had released a little. Booked a massage nearby. Quiet morning and went to the pool around 10a for a bit, showered off there. Still had about 3 hrs to kill so read some, Joe called on his way to Naples with Bob (I was supp to go also but canceled yesterday). Headed out 145p, got back about 315p - this small office had these 4 screens that took up the entire wall but was pretty cool looking! - made lunch (rest of the chix salad and a mug of my fresh bone broth. Talked to Jo a bit in the evening and then Joe called just after 8p - he & Bob back from Naples, had to cancel b/c of rain and client not happy. Going back Fri so now having to reschedule Jax as well ... (3rd week in a row). Guess it's better for my back to have more time to loosen up but this is getting really old. 

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