Happy Birthday Mrs S

Special Day Today - It’s All About Mrs S

I collected Mrs S from work, took her home for a shower then on to the Cornish Barista at Halvasso for breakfast.
The sun shone, really good breakfast as we enjoyed the view out over the quarry. (Todays Extra)
Work at the quarry finished years ago and since then it has evolved through the Bishops Forum to the current BF Adventure. A kind of youth adventure/activity centre, Mrs S and I enjoyed watching the staff building what looked to be quite impressive zip lines over our breakfast.

Then it was off to Annie’s Shed, (pedicure lady), where Mrs S underwent “plucking & polishing” or what ever it is that ladies suffer. Meanwhile I nipped into Truro to pick up an order that Mrs S has been waiting for.
Home and Mrs S went for her delayed post night shift nap whilst Sam and I prepared the party tea complete with a Sam baked birthday cake.
Our eight seater garden table was covered with all sorts of goodies, bit of overkill for the three of us and we’ll be eating it for the next few days.

Mrs S enjoyed her gifts and had a great day.

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