Blue Water Therapy

We all have our own views on what ‘Blue Water Therapy’ is, todays row out encapsulated all that is good about military gig clubs. The seven crew, six rowing & cox, came from all three services, varying lengths of service, across a wide timespan. Coming together for some coaching, some training, some laughter, some banter and not least some exercise. In amongst all this there are intervals where you can sit quietly and reflect on whatever is on your mind or just enjoy the view.
I have started to enjoy the rowing again and I’m trying to attend all the sessions to the point where for some events I am the only name down. Today the weather was glorious, sunshine, a breeze and an incoming tide to make the journey back easier.
Great fun.
Home in time for coffee and sandwich with Mrs S before she headed off for her pre night shift nap.
Sam and I ate at the garden table again to enjoy the warm evening sun. Paddy and I continue to enjoy our walks late in the evening, after 9:00pm most days.

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