
By MamaOfBoys

My long day

Today could've started better but it did end well.

Kanye woke at 5 am having a tonic clonic seizure, by 630 he'd had 4 really big ones, they're so hard to watch, he stops breathing his whole body stiffens his upper body gets thrown backward and then his body shakes, when he comes out of it he inhales deeply and falls asleep. He twitches a lot but i've been told that's normal.

Kanye did this last week and the week before, its almost as though he needs to get them out of his system, i mentioned this to the neurologist at the last appointment and he suggested that in an odd way it could be therapeutic for him.

Andre wasn't feeling well so decided to stay home from work. He helped me give Kanye his medicine and we let him sleep on the couch. By 830 he'd woken up and was alert and happy, seizures had stopped- meds must have kicked in and he was back to himself.

I decided to take him to school, knowing that the school would be very cautious with him today and that his teacher aide who he loves would be with him all day, her son also has epilepsy so she knows the ins and outs of it all and also knows Kanye so well having been his teacher aide for the last 3 years, so i felt safe leaving him knowing they'd call me if he wasn't well.

Andre and Marley came with me to drop Kanye off then we were to head to my midwife, except she called and couldn't make it, i was really disappointed, this had been the third time in the last 8 weeks she'd called and cancelled, it made me wonder if she perhaps has taken on a lot of women and thus keeps missing appointments because she's delivering babies, i understand, i do, its her job but having had this be the 3rd time it made me wonder if i was receiving the best care for this stage of my pregnancy. I tried to put it out of my mind and decided to concentrate on my family, my midwife will call me when she has time.

I went to see Kanye at lunch time to see how he was and his teacher aide said he'd had a great day, they'd actually got a lot of talking out of him and he was really responsive during his class time, i felt relieved knowing he was ok so i left and went to get him later at 3.

Feeling tired from cleaning and walking a lot and disappointed that my day was a little sucky i decided to get takeaways, we ordered from Spagalimis we got a new yorker pizza, a bbq chicken pizza, baby spinach salad and garlic bread. It was even delivered by a man with an Italian accent, authentic! It was so delicious!

Because we wound up eating dinner at 5 and the boys don't go to bed until 7 Andre suggested they watch a movie so the boys got their pj's on and sat with him on the couch and watched Return of the Jedi. Marley loves R2 its so sweet. While they watched Star Wars i cleaned up and my midwife finally called me back, she asked if she could pop over and give me a check up at home.

As soon as she arrived Kanye started talking u p a storm, he seemed to think she was a doctor, because she was taking my blood pressure, he even asked for a turn with her stethoscope. I lay down on the couch so she could measure my tummy and feel where baby is, Andre and the boys crowded round and we all listened to baby's heart beat, such a sweet sound and it was even nicer having my fam there to hear it too.
All is well, baby is good and happy and i felt lots better having seen her.

Kids went to bed, Andre and i watched broke girls and the big bang theory. Now to go have hot choccy and head off to bed.

Am so happy my day turned out better than i thought it would. Yay for friday tomorrow.

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