
I think this might be an Early Bumblebee, although judging by the fact there is only one flower left, it should be a late bumblebee.

The sun is shining but we still have a sneaky easterly.  Not complaining, it's good to see the blue sky.

How things happen:

If I hadn't had a bone scan the doctor wouldn't have rung me with the results.  
I mentioned that I was having texts asking me to take my blood pressure but that I didn't have any means to do it.
Make an appointment with the nurse.
Saw nurse, had blood pressure taken (perfect) and mentioned a patch on my nose that doesn't heal.
Make an appointment to see the Dermatology doctor.
Appointment made.
Saw her today and she gave me a thorough check.
Urgent appointment made to the cancer specialist to have the basal cell carcinoma cut out.  (That'll spoil my good looks, ha!).
Another less urgent appointment made to the cancer specialist to remove a lump on my breast (which I assumed was a cyst) and a red patch on my right shin looked at and biopsy's taken.
Another appointment made with the wart clinic to have one under my bra strap frozen.

Back in the clutches of the hospital but nothing serious.  I was also told to use Factor 50 sun cream, so bought that at Aldi on the way home.

Out to the pub with our friends this evening for fish and chips.

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