Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Summer greens

I slept so well last night, I am sure the osteopathy treatment has improved my sleeping but maybe that is me being hopeful and it has nothing to do with it at all! Some of the residual shoulder pain has definitely lessened, so I am sure that this chosen treatment will be the answer to eliminating the pain I have had for months.

I walked Xena in the woods at the bottom of our road, I can never go there in winter as it gets too boggy and muddy and is quite unpleasant. When the rains stop in spring it dries out and I love walking there. There are also some grassy areas which is unusual in the woodlands in this area, although I suspect where the grass is long it harbours ticks from the deer that live there, as I often find ticks on Xena after walks here. The other day one dropped off that was so fat and engorged it was quite disgusting! I put her on a tick treatment in the warmer months which causes them to drop off before they can even take hold, and this fat engorged one reminded me it was time to start the treatment again.

I went to the hairdresser today, and my hairdresser took extra care when blow drying my hair as I am going out to a dinner in London with Gavin tonight. It is the Corpus Christi dinner at the livery company of which he is a member, and it is usually a lovely dinner with a guest speaker and good food.

It was warmer today, and the weather is forecast to be even warmer on the weekend. My sister arrives from SA on Saturday morning so it will warm up just in time for her visit!

I finished such a good book last night, Go as a River by Shelly Read, I can highly recommend it.

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