Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wild orchid

The play we saw last night, Stranger Things, was absolutely brilliant, one of the best I have ever seen. The play is the prequel to the Netflix TV series, and even though I have only seen about three episodes of the four seasons of the TV series, I did read up on the characters so I knew exactly what was going on in the play. However, even if you are not familiar with the story you can enjoy the play - Gavin knew nothing about it, and as it is 3 hours long I thought he would fall asleep but no, he was riveted and said it was one of the best shows he has ever seen. The special effects were mind blowing, it undoubtedly will get awards for that, and how they manage to create such clever sets and have such incredible special effects in a small, old Victorian theatre (most London theatres are small and Victorian) is beyond comprehension. Go see it if you can!

This morning Gavin and I had a run in the woods with Xena and then I sat down to get on with the editing of the photos of Sophia. I spent most of the day doing that and I have now finished. I then took Xena for another walk - she had already been out earlier with Gavin - but I felt like getting out. There are quite a few wild orchids growing near the woods so this one had to be photographed.

This time last year my sister arrived to stay, and it was the start of a heat wave with temperatures of 30C. Today we reached a miserable 18C! Not sure when our summer will start.

Yesterday we received a letter from the council about the 'alleged anti-social behaviour arising from a dog barking at our address'. We were quite shocked to receive this as Xena is the quietest dog we have ever had, she seldom barks and certainly does not bark enough to cause a disturbance or a noise complaint. I wrote back to them saying they have the wrong house and the wrong dog! Earlier today she got shut into the garage by mistake, I noticed her absence and could not find her, then realised she must be in the garage. I opened the door and there she was sitting, silently looking at me - not barking or making any noise! I think I will have to invite that council officer to tea to come and see what a silent dog Xena is! It also shows what shitty neighbours we have that they rather lodge a complaint rather than come and talk to us first!

Luke and Meriel are in Edinburgh for the Taylor Swift concert - Meriel is a professional Swiftie, there is nothing she does not know about Taylor Swift including all the words to every lyric ever written! They had a fabulous time and Meriel had an stunning sequinned outfit for the show.

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