Guess who’s lucky!

A few years ago Mr C’s birthday stash would have been single malt which he’d have all to himself as I don’t like whisky, but then he went off it and joined me in gin tippling. So now I get to share this lovely lot.

I had an enjoyable morning working on the Mallorca book while Mr C sorted out the van for our night away.

He did a shop while I went to Saks - must be a waste of money as Ella thinks I look older than Mr C. Luke cooked us all some rice, tofu and cauliflower. The children said he was racist cooking a white dinner. He went to bed as he starts at 3am so we were there to mind the children till #3 daughter got home from parents’ evening at 7.30. She was exhausted as she’s had a bad cold all week but is testing Covid negative.

Meanwhile we are getting pictures from #2 daughter from her amazing hotel in Bucharest where she’s staying for a conference.

Back home to binge on Diplomat - that you for the recommendation. Don’t think the Iranians were speaking Farsi though. Next to Italian it’s the sexiest language - to me anyway.

The answer to my quote yesterday “I can do everything but be humble” is the polymath Eric Cantona

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