Pretty Dahlias.....!!!

I bought 3 of these in Aldis one day last week....
Only half the price of any garden center and they donate 50cent of each purchase to Barnardos....
So, good all round...!!
But , I do have one moan to really, really annoys me the way Aldi and (Lidl are guilty of this too...)....let their very good healthy plants dry out totally, and become limp and almost dead looking.....these weren’t quite that far ‘gone’ but I had to rescue them with super soaking and Miracle Gro....!
You’d think someone would be responsible for looking after and keeping them watered especially in this current hot dry spell....!!!
When I think of the effort and care that has gone into growing all these plants and then they are left to die off like that and it’s such a waste as I assume they just get thrown in the rubbish..!!
Makes Me Mad...!!

8th June quote....

Don’t Lose Sight Of What’s Really Important.....!!

Extra ...2 more quotes that I really like so am sharing them with you...A xxx

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