
By Annieone

White Roses…!!

This white rose is lost among other shrubbery at the bottom of the garden…it started out as a ‘patio rose’…and you know how ‘small’ they are…
Well,  it is now over 6 feet tall and doing its own wild thing…!!
I rather like it….  I love roses of every colour so it’s difficult to say any colour is a favourite…
Do you have a favourite colour…!!!???
The faffing surround I discovered on my collage option on Google photos..!

Thank you for your kind wishes about the tinnitus suffering….it continues but I’ve learned to cope now over the years…it’s just quite shocking when it comes back aggressively…thankfully it doesn’t happen too often now…!!

A nice enough sunny morning here so far…but way too chilly for June…!

Busy weekend cooking up now…need to make raspberry jam for some of the cakes….krispie buns (believe it or not) using up chocolate here since Christmas…:) and some high energy protein balls….to keep me going to cope with all this…..!!


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