June 8

Hard to decide which one I wanted for a blip today. Top left, an olive sided flycatcher that sat at the top of the tree for about 15 minutes. Top right - a bumblebee on some thyme. Bottom left - A black and white warbler, my first time to see one. Bottom right - a poppy in my garden and I love the color of it.
Merlin identified by sound the black and white warbler one morning, but I had no time to try and find it. When I heard it again today I grabbed my camera and went looking for it. 
The olive sided flycatcher is a new yard bird for me. It is also a lifer for me.
The local photo society is having their final meeting before the summer break, they are supplying pizza so I am going to join them. I haven't been able to get there the past couple of months.

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