June 7

This peach colored bearded iris was one of my favorite blooms today in one of the gardens we worked on. The poppies, azaleas and lilacs were putting on a good show too.
After we finished, I had a quote to do. An 84 year old woman had been told to call me, she needs some help with her garden. Her back yard is like a park, I am going to enjoy working there. I think I made a new friend too. The night she called me we talked on the phone for about 45 minutes. I didn't have anything else planned for the afternoon, so we ended up sitting on her deck talking for over 2 hours.
It started out cloudy this morning, when driving between the first and second property there was a rain shower. Later this afternoon it started to clear off, so we actually saw the sun for the first time in 5 days.

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