Foggintor Hawthorns

I met up with my photo pal, John at Merrivale on Dartmoor and we walked down the path to Foggintor Quarry. The wind was was gusting tremendously which surprised us both and although it didn't feel cold, it was uncomfortable. I presume this is something to do with Storm Oscar that's coming in. When we got there lots of people were around the edge of the flooded quarry and some were swimming so we left that and concentrated on the ruins of the quarry buildings. There's not much left but this grand wall looks very impressive. it was good to see the May (hawthorn) blossom which gave extra interest. I've used a polariser to enrich the colours.

We had a meal and a pint at the Prince of Wales in Princetown and then went on to Windy Post (which was really living up to its name) a little further towards Tavistock. The wind continued to be a nuisance and with such strong gusts it was a job to hold the camera steady. We had a visit from the ponies who often come through that way for a drink in the evening. I've adde one from there as an extra.

With a late finish I'm not going to be able to post the results of the Wide on Wednesday challenge. Your entries deserve more attention thn I have time to give them tonight so I'll announce the hearts and HMs tomorrow evening UK time.

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