More Rain

Life at the moment is just a never ending series of ‘what next’ moments!

Two workmen finally arrived this afternoon, they had a good look around, climbing around the place and then said they had to look from a different point of view from downstairs and then disappeared. It was hard to say what they did, or even to use our imagination about when they might be back. Needless to say we’re very frustrated about the whole thing.

To add insult to injury I’ve been battling a slight cold for the whole of this week, feeling happy that it hadn’t developed into something big and yesterday I even thought it was over!!
Well, today when I woke up I realised  it had turned BIG!  I cant stop sneezing and my nose wont stop running, the little cough I had has developed into a big big cough ugh!!!!  
I’m not feeling well at all tonight!!! Waaaa!!! 
Have cancelled all get togethers tomorrow as I dont want to spread it around to Julian and then all his housemates, staff etc. Such a shame as we did of course have some big plans!   Anyway never mind because there’s always next week!!
The image is raindrops on the car window this morning, and another in extras, that was my limit today.  I limped through work with a mask which was awkward given how many times I’ve blown my nose and sneezed today!! Ugh!!!!!!!

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