..but what kind? Well, a golden one, obviously, and if I had to guess I'd say a Large Skipper, but I think quite a few of you will know better than me.
So today I spent most of the time outside in this lovely sunshine, first in the Winnall Moors reserve, then going on to the butterfly reserve on Morn Hill. There are still far too few butterflies up there I think: some browns and blues, both kinds very flighty and unsettled (though it was quite windy), a white, two brimstones. Not a lot for such a large place. I was beginning to think it must be me, but I met another butterfly person up there, who agreed. And then, at the end of my visit I did come across this skipper, who posed nicely for me which was some compensation.
Hope you've all had a good day and are coasting happily towards the weekend. Take care xx
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