
By Houseonahill6

New friend

Another lovely day started with a pretty sky at sunrise ( just after 4am) . We picked up David at just gone 11am, got some rolls from the deli and went to Loch Kinellan. The bench was free so we sat and ate our lunch in the sunshine. There was a photographer nearby photographing the swallows and damselflies. After we had gone a family of moorhen chicks swam into the reeds . Lots of coots with young on the other side of the water and a few small grebe/ dab chicks with young too.
This male blue tailed damselfly landed on David’s hand and stayed for quite a while. I remember being bitten by a dragonfly on the Isle of Rum. There’s a great photo of the exact moment it but me, it hurt !
There were lots more damselflies as we walked down by the water. The female has much more blue on her and we also saw some small red damselflies.
Back home and after dinner we watched a concert by the Fleetfoxes. Still light at 10 o clock with the sun setting at 10.13pm.

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