We have Chicks!
Hooray for the olive-backed sunbird outside our office. Today we could hear some faint cheaping and when I started paying close attention to the nest I could see the vague movement of a chick inside. The mother has been very busy on feeding duties so far and the father appears to be neglecting his parental duties! Although to be fair I havn't been able to watch the nest all day, so I could just keep missing him... So glad I managed to capture this feeding shot! She comes, feeds and goes again all within about 7 seconds, taking little bits of shell with her when she leaves. I am guessing these chicks are only a couple of days old....
Unfortunately now that they've hatched and hungry they are also quite vocal and our centre cats are taking a much more keen interest in what is going on above them... I fear that fledging time will not go well :(
The original sunbird nest I found is also busy in feeding mode with chicks although I can't tell whether it's one or two as there is nowhere to hide when observing, so watching her feed them isn't really possible.
In other news, had a really fun trivia night tonight with all the girls I work with (I make it sound like there is lots of us!). I really like trivia but am absolutely terrible at it - tonight just reminded me of that!
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