Friday: Egypt Mill

We’re not in Egypt, just in case you’re confused.  We’re in Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Our flight was two hours late due to engine trouble (always worrying words to hear before a flight).  It wasn’t a terrible flight but it was overnight in a cramped space and you know how that goes. 

I slept a bit but not much.  Instead I watched ‘My Secret Policeman’.  Oh my word!  Harry Styles, if you’re reading this - you’re not quite the worst actor in the world, but you’re not far off.

From Heathrow to Paddington where we caught the train to Stroud.  Cousin J&S met us at the station. It’s fabulous to see them again.  The best thing to do after an overnight flight is keep going we so sampled Stroud’s newest microbrewery, The Fresh Standard, followed by a stop off at Egypt Mill.  J made excellent pulled pork burgers for dinner.

It’s lovely to be back.  Everything is such a different shade of green here.  I’m actually back for a conference next week but I’ve also tagged on some leave.  Definitely not looking this particular gift horse in the mouth!

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