
...and the end of another week.  OH was playing golf (normal Friday old boys group) and I was taking No.1 back to Tooting.  I picked her some sweet peas to take back and it reminded me of picking them to take to work - i used to leave a couple of inches of water in a jar and balance them in the door - it worked and flowers transported well!  M25 was busy so I did a short cut via Sandersted which I remembered from days when I drove to Croydon for meetings and it seemed much shorter?  We had an hour in the flat unpacking and a quick coffee and chat before I dropped her off for lunch and then drove back home again.  She had arranged to meet some old work colleagues and was not 100% sure how she felt about it, but text me later to say it had gone well and she was pleased to meet up.  OH was out doing MIL shopping so I had an hour in the garden with my book.  I had booked early dinner at a new restaurant that had opened (part of a chain Elite Pubs).  It was massive and has rooms to stay - not sure the locals were that pleased that a small country pub is on their doorstep.  Also surprised to see two security guards on the door - not very welcoming and after chatting to them, understand they are to detract a certain 'unwelcome' community (think caravans and horses?).  

Another day done.

Picture is of Pokers in the front garden.  OH is in charge of the garden (my small concession to him) and I leave him to do the weeding and choice of colours and plants.  I don't recall these blooming so early last year but they might be a new variety - I thought they were end of the summer flowers?  i don't have orange in the main garden! 

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